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Article "A Single Ultrasonic Transducer Fast and Robust Short-Range Distance Measurement Method"
Deliverable Report D 7.6: Final dissemination report
This document contains the description of all dissemination and communication activities performed within SILENSE project during its whole duration.
The main chapters of this document relates to:
Deliverable Report D 7.3: Standardization plan and review of regulatory situation and standards
This document provides, as a first result of the standardization activity, a collection of applicable standards that shall be taken into account in the architectural framework and design choices for the SILENSE project. This is done in order to find a common solution to assure a smooth and homogeneous way to assure a very high level of interoperability (or at least interworking) among the different systems. The deliverable presents a first selection of standards under developments that could be of interest for the Project standardization activities.
Deliverable Report D 6.4: Demonstrator performance and validation results
This report describes the final status of the demonstrator prototypes which have been successfully designed and developed in the SILENSE project, based on the use cases and specifications defined. The report includes a summary of all the activities developed for each of the demonstrators, including the design of hardware and software solutions, various stages of prototyping and integration and validation activities at each foreseen validation scenario.
This deliverable will be available after Approval by the Commision.
Deliverable Report D 2.5: Micro sound transducers summary
Within the framework of the ECSEL project SILENSE, several ultrasound transducer technol-ogies are pushed forward, ahead of the state-of-the-art. This includes novel microphones that are also sensitive in the ultrasound domain, new piezoelectric materials, and large arrays of ultra-sound transducers on glass or flexible substrates. Several of these technologies are used in SILENSE demonstrators, while other technologies will be available for post-SILENSE demon-strators and even products. The status of the different technologies is described in this public deliverable.
Project newsletter - June 2020
This newsletter focuses on wearable systems developed with ultrasound technology. First is complex smart acoustic wearable system for smart retail, second is motion tracking for sports and rehabilitation and last is multi-purpose (arm) gesture recognition. The newsletter can be downloaded here.
Project newsletter - April 2020
This newsletter summarizes our work on the project in its second half and also presents you the application of ultrasound technology in the field of smart home and buildings . The newsletter can be downloaded here.
Article "Low Power Capacitive Ultrasonic Transceiver Array for Airborne Object Detection"
Article "Low-cost monolithic processing of large-area ultrasound transducer arrays"
Article "Point-Cloud Compression: Moving Picture Experts Group's New Standard in 2020"
Article "Video-Based Point-Cloud-Compression Standard in MPEG: From Evidence Collection to Committee Draft [Standards in a Nutshell]"
Article "PRESS/HOLD/RELEASE Ultrasonic Gestures and Low Complexity Recognition Based on TCN"
Project poster EFECS 2019
Project poster presented during EFECS 2019 event in Helsinki can be downloaded in PDF format here.
Article "Development of a flexible large-area array based on printed polymer transducers for mid-air haptic feedback"
Deliverable Report for D 3.3.2 - Design & simulation environment
This document describes design and simulation environment optimized for microphone transduces. It enables evaluation of the system specification, such as SNR, dynamic range and harmonic distortion. The main principles as well as guidelines on how to use developed design and simulation environment is provided.
Article "Keyword Spotting using Time-Domain Features in a Temporal Convolutional Network"
Article "3D Point Cloud Compression - A Survey"
Article "Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Ultrasound Technology: Pre-processing Stage"
Article "Broadband Acoustical MEMS Transceivers for Simultaneous Range Finding and Microphone Applications"
Article "Characterization of polymer-based piezoelectric micromachined ultrasound transducers for short-range gesture recognition applications"
Deliverable Report for D 3.4.1 - Test & Validation Concept Paper
This document is the presentation of the test and validation methodology and objectives for each of the blocks/systems developed in the scope of the SILENSE project.
Deliverable Report for D 3.2.1 - Electronics concepts document
This report gives a general overview of all hardware IP development planned for Silense. IPs described in this deliverable constitute the electronics hardware development needed for realizing final project demonstrators.
Deliverable Report D 7.4: Mid-term dissemination report
Dissemination and communication activities are key enablers to promote the SILENSE project to the wider public as well as to attract the attention of the scientific & the industrial stakeholder community.
Article "Mechanical Characterization of MEMS-Microphones by Means of Nanoindentation and Coupled Finite Element Analysis"
Article "The Realization of Redistribution Layers for FOWLP by Inkjet Printing"
An article dedicated to Silense project: Roshanghias, A., Ma, Y., Dreissigacker, M., Braun, T., Bretthauer, C., Becker, K.F. and Schneider-Ramelow, M., 2018. The Realization of Redistribution Layers for FOWLP by Inkjet Printing. In Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute Proceedings (Vol. 2, No. 13, p. 703).
Article "Feasiblity of Using Printed Polymer Transducers for Mid-Air Haptic Feedback"
Article "Emerging MPEG Standards for Point Cloud Compression"
Project newsletter - October 2018
The second newsletter brings actual information about the project and shows recent technologies for automotive domain and how SILENSE project is addressing them. The newsletter can be downloaded here.
Article "MPEG-I Coding Performance in Immersive VR AR Applications"
An article dedicated to Silense project: Lafruit, G., Schenkel, A., Tulvan, C.L., Preda, M. and Yu, L., 2018, September. MPEG-i coding performance in immersive VR/AR applications. In Proc. IBC Conf. (pp. 1-9).
Article "Guided Embodiment and Potential Applications of Tutor Systems in Language Instruction and Rehabilitation"
An article dedicated to Silense project: Macedonia, M., Hammer, F. and Weichselbaum, O., 2018. Guided embodiment and potential applications of tutor systems in language instruction and rehabilitation. Frontiers in psychology, 9, p.927.
Article "Quality of user experience: a position paper"
An article dedicated to Silense project: Hammer, F., Egger-Lampl, S. and Möller, S., 2018. Quality-of-user-experience: a position paper. Quality and User Experience, 3(1), p.9.
Article "Display Compatible pMUT Device for Mid Air Ultrasound Gesture Recognition"
An article dedicated to Silense project: Huang, C.H., Demi, L., Torri, G.B., Mao, S., Billen, M., Jeong, Y., Cheyns, D., Rottenberg, X., Rochus, V. and Hsien, C., 2018, January. Display Compatible pMUT Device for Mid Air Ultrasound Gesture Recognition. In 11th Annual TechConnect World Innovation Conference and Expo, Held Jointly with the 20th Annual Nanotech Conference and Expo, the 2018 SBIR/STTR Spring Innovation Conference, and the Defense TechConnect DTC Spring Conference (pp. 161-164). TechConnect.
Project newsletter - May 2018
This newsletter shortly informs about project progress at the end of first year. It briefly describes elaborated use cases and presents two of them which focuses on underwater solutions. The newsletter can be downloaded here.
Deliverable Report D 1.1.2: Application analysis and definition of use cases
Preliminary set of use cases for the innovative ultrasound technologies has been collected and elaborated on.At the end of the first project year these use cases have been revised considering the work that has been done so far as the feasibility and viability has been checked in the mean time. The result of this revision, including also some new application areas and use cases, is presented in this document as the final application analysis and use case definition.
Deliverable Report D 1.1.3: Review of regulatory situation
A dedicated literature study on the available reports on the safety aspects, exposure limits, effects on humans and animals, existing standards and regulations of airborne and liquid-borne ultrasound has been performed.
Project e-flyer
Project e-flyer in PDF format can be downloaded here.
Deliverable Report D 7.1: Dissemination and Communication plans
This public deliverable report summarizes the initial ideas and presents useful channels for dissemination of SILENSE project results. It also set up policies and rules for dissemination activities and provides the first estimation of volume of planned activities. Also, communication activities are described and specific procedures for each communication channel is adopted.
Deliverable Report D 1.1.1: Preliminary application analysis and definition of use cases
The deliverable is the first outcome of WP 1 Task 1.1 of Silense. The aim of the deliverable is to give a preliminary description of the targeted application domains and specific use cases towards which the Silense development and demonstrator efforts will be focused.