Successful partner meeting in London

Our SILENSE partnership had its fourth meeting; this time hosted by our British partner Speedo in their London office. With some exceptions all partner joined the meeting and carried out a lively debate on the latest developments of their technologies and respective integration into all the demonstrators. These are the cornerstone of the project and will need the full support of all work packages. It is equally important that the demonstrators clearly indicate their requirements to advance jointly and swiftly.
A further important aspect was the discussion around increasing the dissemination of SILENSE at large and create more visibility. Enhanced communication skills are a key aspect for this and Danielle Baetens from Grant@vice presented these elements in a lively way; not just on slides but involving everybody in an active manner – getting up, jumping, aiming for a balloon… Keeping the communication up can be as hard as keeping the balloon in the air for 5 minutes – it only works when everybody joins and puts in a united effort.
Our new project video film will certainly also help to raise awareness as it is of very high quality and a good level of entertainment; a big thank to our dissemination team from BUT.
The London meeting was also used to intensive the collaboration within work package 5 (Algorithms and application software) as well as demo 2 (Under water communication for wearables). The involved partners met already a day before in order to discuss their next activities.
That was possible through the incredible help and support from our Speedo colleagues Amy and Rob as they ensured not only a variety of meeting rooms but also saw to a steady supply of coffee, tea, biscuits as well as wonderful project dinner – thank you very much!