Project news

Haptic feedback touchscreen

  • Posted on: 23 August 2018
  • By: Admin
LCM haptic feedback touchscreen
Consortium parner Linz Center of Mechatronics GmbH (LCM) developed an innovative touch screen with haptic feedback features. The heart of the recently patented system is a transparent plate, which is actively deformed by piezoelectric actuators. The plate provides haptic feedback precisely at the moment it is touched, rather similar to the impression obtained by physically tapping a conventional key. Interaction with touch panels becomes more intuitive, and input accuracy increases. More can be found in attached PDF.

First review meeting Brussels

  • Posted on: 30 May 2018
  • By: Admin

On 6. June the SILENSE partnership will have its first review meeting roughly one year after the start of the project. The technical progress and consortium activities of all work packages will be broadly discussed. The project achievements and plans will be evaluated by ECSEL reviewers.

Second project meeting in Berlin

  • Posted on: 14 October 2017
  • By: Admin
Fraunhofer IZM premises in Berlin

On 26./27. October the SILENSE partnership will have its second meeting, hosted by our Berlin partner TU Berlin in the premises of Franhofer IZM. It will be a great opportunity to assess the work of the first months and bring everyone together again since our kick-off. It has already become clear that a key element for success is the collaboration between the work packages. It is a crucial part of our project and this meeting offers us the chance to tie the established links closer. We will have plenty of time to do this in our meeting but also during the days and our evening gathering.

Kick-off Meeting in Leuven

  • Posted on: 9 June 2017
  • By: Admin
More tha 50 participants from all project partners.

SILENSE Kick-off meeting was held in Leuven, Belgium on the 8th of June. More than 50 participants from all project partners had an opportunity to meet together, understand the project objectives and discuss the upcoming actions to achieve the proposed goals of the project. Planned work in all WPs has been presented and discussed so that the tasks can start smoothly and keep the necessary interconnections between all packages and in line with the project proposal.
